New Ways of Leading

Leadership Development


We are moving from ego to eco (system) - a collective leadership model that is about collaboration, co-operation, and co-creation to accelerate and achieve outcomes.

We teach a model of leadership that combines practical leadership methods with mind-body resilience tools for strengthening our personal capacity to navigate the complexity of change and transformation.

We focus on the being and doing of leadership - activating and aligning mind, body and heart intelligence with qualities such as compassion, intuition, reflection combined with focus, discipline and results.

Your organisation’s culture, your staff engagement levels, and your consumer’s experience are directly related to the actions and consciousness of leadership.

As a result of our development process – your leaders will:

  • Develop their own practical toolkit for leading better

  • Grow a conscious and intentional leadership style of interaction

  • Harness their strengths and visibly share these

  • Strengthen relationships and networks across teams and disciplines

  • Shift mindset from ego to a collective leadership model of working

  • Manage stress and emotions with mindfulness and meditation techniques

We will do this by:

Co-designing a specific solution according to your needs. This could be a modular leadership development program, one to one or group leadership coaching.

Who is this for?

Current and emerging leaders who wish to accelerate transformation and execute results on purpose, whilst mainlining a sense of self, wellbeing, and engagement for all stakeholders.

Build new ways of leading