New Ways of Thinking



Mindfulness transforms the way we show up and work with each other.

It is about doing less with more.

Practicing mindfulness offers a way to pay attention to the present moment, without judgment.

As the evidence suggests, mindfulness can help reduce stress, anxiety and conflict, and increase resilience, concentration, and emotional intelligence, while improving relationships, engagement and productivity in the workplace.

Teaching Meditation and Mindfulness techniques for 20 years has changed my life and transformed others – it has been a privilege to work with so many people!

As a result of our mindfulness sessions – you will:

  • Apply techniques to manage stress and reduce cognitive overload

  • Prioritise self care for optimal performance

  • Shift from busyness to a reflective and restorative practice

  • Develop a deeper awareness of emotions and energy

  • Establish tools for self regulation

  • Feel calm and focused on the right priorities

We will do this by:

Co-designing according to your specification for small to large groups as a singular or regular program to align with your wellbeing strategy. Nicole has facilitated meditation sessions for up to 200 people at a time. More recently, she has co-facilitated at the University of Sydney for 4th year medical students and delivers Pause Pod live virtual meditation sessions every Tuesday.

Mindfulness Meditation is currently incorporated into our Leadership and Coaching Programs.

Who is this for?

Everyone benefits from our Mindfulness and Pause Pod sessions. We deliver live online meditations to individuals, corporates and communities - to reflect, reconnect, realign and reimagine the possibilities of our future - together!


Use mindfulness in your daily life