New Ways of Leading

Women’s Mentoring Circles


We are all here to thrive.

We enable and empower women to navigate the path to empowerment (leadership) and in a trusting and supportive co-creative mentoring circle unleash a powerful creative energy to DO LIFE DIFFERENTLY.

We do this in a women’s business circle of wisdom focusing on evidence based frameworks that strengthen your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual capacity.

This is about letting go, acceptance, healing and growth - where deep insights are revealed for transformation.

As a result of our Women’s Mentoring Circles – you will:

  • Accelerate your intentions and goals into actions.

  • Find your own voice – anchor an authentic presence

  • Harness the balance of being and doing – DO LIFE DIFFERENTLY.

  • Leverage strengths in intellectual, emotional and spiritual intelligence

  • Manage and sustain energy across work and life

  • Strengthen networks and spheres of influence

  • Obtain a mentor to support growth and development

We will do this by:

Facilitating a mentoring series that is fit for purpose to each respective group of women. Typically up to 4- 6 sessions, 120 minutes each in an emergent and adaptive model of experiential learning and reflection.

Our areas of focus will be:

• Building your tolerance for ambiguity and uncertainty

• Reframing how you view problems with mindfulness and CBT based tools.

• Applying pragmatic frameworks to focus on what you can control

• Exploring a deeper connection to a meaningful purpose

Who is this for?

Time is now. Open to all women who wish to DO LIFE DIFFERENTLY with presence, influence, and sustainable impact without compromising who they are. Open to organisations and directly to the public.

Enable and empower together